Laws & Statutes - WEBSITE X5 UNREGISTERED VERSION - World Independent Taekwondo Association™

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Laws & Statutes


I. Organizational
1. Mission statement
2.Name and Jurisdiction
3. Purposes and powers
4. Limitations

II. Quality Control

III. Behaviour
1. Students
2. Black Belts

IV. Membership
1. General membership information, 2.Yearly membership
3. Lifetime membership 4. School membership
5. Honorary membership, 6. Transfer of membership

V. General
1. Publications / Works, 2.Training at other Academies
3. Rank Promotions (Testing), 4. Teaching

VI. Professional categories
1. Instructors, 2. Country / State Headquarters & Representatives,
(A. Procedures, B. Licensing, C. Testing), 3. Terminated Members,
4. Penalties, 5. Termination, 6. International Headquarters
7. Board of Governors, 8. Reporting


The following rules and regulations are in full effect for all
World Independent Tae-Kwon-Do Association ® Members,
Black Belts, violations of these Rules and Regulations
should contact the W.I.T.K.D.A. World Headquarters.

I. Organizational

1. Mission statement

The World Independent Tae-Kwon-Do Association (hereinafter
referred to as W.I.T.K.D.A.) was founded by Klaus Schuhmacher.
The ideals and goals of the W.I.T.K.D.A. revolve around the
instruction of our current and future generations in strong 
leadership skills, development of mental and physical prowess.
This is a traditional, proven method of developing human
potentials, including training in philosophies, cultural
exchange, knowledge, patience, mental concentration,
and focus. Martial sports instruction differs from other
academic training in that one learns skills that if
misapplied can be detrimental to others. 

Therefore, strict, governing guidelines must be exercised when
licensing professional instructors and facilities. A continuing program
of advanced education and re-evaluations is necessary to ensure
that the highest quality instruction is available to the public.

In order to maintain such high standards, the W.I.T.K.D.A.
was established that collectively self-governs all it's licensed 
instructors, and academies and to adequately protect 
the quality of the teachings, skills, and objectives of it's founder.

By teaching anyone the physical means to cause injury or worse to
another human being without teaching the proper moral restraint,
mental training, and behavioural instruction is tantamount to giving
someone a weapon whose mental and/or moral integrity is not known. 

The main objective of the World Independent
Tae-Kwon-Do Association to self-regulate our own
members to ascertain that only the highest quality
instruction is given to our members and the public at large.

The primary purposes and objectives of the W.I.T.K.D.A. are
to serve and protect our membership, and communities as follows:

2. Name and Jurisdiction
This organization shall be known as the World Independent
Tae-Kwon-Do Association.
The abbreviation of the name shall be W.I.T.K.D.A.

3. Purposes and Powers
The W.I.T.K.D.A. is intended to be a non-profit organization; the
purposes for which it was formed and the powers possessed by it include:

1. To stimulate interest in Tae-Kwon-Do  

2. To unite people for their mutual education and benefit. 

3. To encourage cooperation and better understanding among members. 

4. To supervise and conduct clinics, and demonstrations under
the auspices of this association. 

5. To research and studTae-Kwon-Do with a view to establishing the
highest standards of instruction and conduct. 

6. To research and study Tae-Kwon-Do in order to better
understand its history, philosophy, principles and concepts. 

7. To maintain and preserve Tae-Kwon-Do records as
deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. 

8. To publish information about Tae-Kwon-Do, including activities.

4. Limitations

The following limitations are placed on the power of the W.I.T.K.D.A.
and upon the liabilities or obligations arising from its activities.

1. The organization shall not discriminate against any
person or group because of race, sex, creed, religion, 
national origin or martial arts affiliation.

2. The organization shall not enter into agreements, contracts or
arrangements which bind any school or individual members personally.

3. This Association shall be self-governing, non-profit,
non-partisan and non-sectarian.

4. No member or group of members shall be deemed to be acting
in any matter for or on behalf of the W.I.T.K.D.A., or as the
W.I.T.K.D.A., unless specifically authorized to do so by the
Constitution or By-Laws or the W.I.T.K.D.A. president.

II. Quality Control

To ensure the highest quality instruction available to the public
and to maintain the highest levels of expertise found in
Tae-Kwon-Do as taught by it's founder 

III. Behavior

1. Students

1. As a student of Tae-Kwon-Do is of utmost importance to abide
by a martial code, a code of honor. A warrior personifies one with
high moral repute, compassion for humanity, respect for one's
self and others, and a constant and never-ending quest for self
betterment and personal excellence. The set forth rules are to
help you become a more dignified individual who understands,
and exemplifies the importance of integrity and the indomitable
spirit. As a student of Tae-Kwon-Do it is your duty to: 

01. Always follow the tenets of our code of ethics 

a. Maintain loyalty to your country 

b. Always be loyal to your parents 

c. Always be loyal to your teacher 

d. Practice trust and camaraderie with your friends

e. Maintain courage when faced with difficulties 

f. Never abuse your skills 

g. Always personify the qualities of humanity, justice, courtesy,
wisdom, trust, goodness, virtue, loyalty, and courage 

02. Always show respect to your elders 

03. Always maintain a clean body and mind 

04. Never abuse drugs and /or alcohol 

05. Never get involved with gangs 

06. Always follow the Academy rules indicated in your manual 

07. Always strive to be the best in everything you do 

08. Junior members shall always follow the nine home rules found in manual 

09. Junior members shall periodically complete the Personal Conduct Profile 

10. Respect must be shown to all senior students 

11. Support and assistance shall be given to all lower ranked students 

12. Offer your assistance to those in need 

13. Always assist and support your Academy's functions towards our collective goals.

2. Black Belts

Assist your master / instructor whenever possible towards the
goals of Tae-Kwon-Do Train diligently to increase your knowledge,
and ability levels Assist all students in their advancement.
Continued training- As a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do
periodic continued training is necessary to maintain,
 and upgrade your ability levels.

IV. Membership

1. Students / General Membership

Application for Membership (All applications must be approved by the president !)

A person applying for individual membership shall submit to the
corresponding headquarter all pertinent information:

His/her name, address, phone number and current rank in Tae-Kwon-Do
 A description of its current Tae-Kwon-Do rogram. 
Membership fee which shall be prescribed in the By-Laws. 
Description of Tae-Kwon-Do ackground including past,
 and current instructors, their names, addresses, and ranks. 

2. Anyone who practices the martial art of Tae-Kwon-Do considered
a student. All students must be members of the W.I.T.K.D.A.
to be officially recognized as a bona-fide student.

Membership shall be open to all persons who are interested in
and/or involved in Tae-Kwon-Do and who pledge to adhere to the
Constitution, By-Laws and ethics of this Association.

All memberships shall be open to all individuals adhering to the
Constitution, By-Laws and ethics of this organization.

2. Black Belt Membership

3. Co-operate Membership

4. Lifetime Membership

A lifetime member is any individual registered who has paid the
life membership fee. The life member enjoys all the right, duties,
responsibilities and privileges of an individual member except the
payment of annual dues; is listed by individual name on the
roster and receives an individual copy of all mailings.

Life membership fees shall be prescribed in the By-Laws. 
If for any reason a life membership status of an individual is
cancelled by this organization, his/her life membership fee
shall be refunded after deduction of all annual fees accumulated 
during his/her period of life membership.

5. Honorary Membership

Honorary membership shall be awarded by this Association 
to individuals in recognition of their distinguished service to the 
Association, or for their support of Hapkido within this Association.

As we live in an ever-changing world, it is important to remain 
with our feet firmly planted on the ground. We must forge an 
immovable foundation in which our future generations will 
have the opportunity to feel the power of unity and 
strength within a family. Our association is this foundation that 
will help us realize our collective dreams together as one. 

Your obligation to the association brings us one step closer to our goals,
and aspirations. The W.I.T.K.D.A. certifications issued to you is the 
only official document that is recognized by W.I.T.K.D.A. 
Academies and Clubs showing your active membership status,
 and rank level. Your certifications are your proof that you are
a recognized practitioner Taekwondo. If you transfer from one 
location to another, send in a new application with your new number 

h. Membership in the W.I.T.K.D.A. may not be transferred.

In order to test for your 1st Dan Degree Black Belt you must submit 
copies of your student rank certifications, as well as copies of all 
certifications of seminars you attended that were offered and sanctioned 
by the W.I.T.K.D.A. The W.I.T.K.D.A. is the only issuing agency for a 
bona-fide validated W.I.T.K.D.A. certifications. Anyone caught with a 
forged stamps/signatures or counterfeit passports / membership cards 
may be liable for prosecution. For your knowledge and progression, 
you are encouraged to purchase the W.I.T.K.D.A. manuals, books, 
videos, and other sanctioned materials as they come available.

6. Promotion
To actively promote and further disseminate the teachings of this 
sole source of the martial and healing art of Taekwondo to all 
corners of the globe. Education: To provide as an educational 
source , continual instruction in all phases of these multifaceted 
martial arts, with continued educational opportunities to all its 
members Business Enhancement: To provide for an organizational 
forum for the exchange of business information; ideas; technical 
training, and growth techniques to it's professional members. 

Civic Duties: 
To establish a series of information and educational programs to 
encourage interaction with government, corporate, and 
community-based organizations from local levels through 
global interactions to assist in our mutual goals. 

Youth Programs: 
To further develop the leadership qualities of our youth, especially 
assisting those youngsters designated " at risk" , through the 
tenets Taekwondo  Scholarships: To provide scholarships for those 
individuals whose needs qualify them to receive such assistance Protection: 

To protect the reputation of Taekwondo  from non-qualified 
individuals who falsely claim to teach these martial arts for the 
benefit of the W.I.T.K.D.A. membership and the public at large.


Section 1. Composition.
The president shall be composed of voting representatives,
 and alternate representatives of each country or state.

Section 2. Responsibility.
Except as otherwise specified in the Articles of Incorporation 
or the By-Laws, the president shall be vested with all powers of the 
organization and shall have authority to act on all organizational matters.

Section 3. Jurisdiction.
The president shall have the power to assume original and appellate 
jurisdiction, upon notice to those involved, in any matter where, 
the best interests of the organization will be served thereby.

Section 4. Discipline.
The president shall have the power to discipline members,  and to
impose, enforce, or remit penalties for any violation of the Articles of
Incorporation of these by-laws, or rules and regulations of this organization.

V. General

1. Publications / Works

It is our responsibility to maintain the highest quality control 
of all publications, Internet work and video productions 
representing the W.I.T.K.D.A. to the public at large. 

All publications / works must be reviewed by the Grandmaster 
Klaus Schuhmacher prior to release to the public to ensure 
the accurate portrayal of our cherished arts minimize any 
misrepresentation maintain accurate historical account 
maximize the interests of public safety.

Publications/ Works Defined:
Any publications, books, manuals, magazines, news, articles, 
newsletters, periodicals, video recordings, films, movies, audio 
recordings, training films, cassettes, records, CD's, CD-ROM's, 
tapes, computer programs, and any printed matter concerning 
the W.I.T.K.D.A. Students can not make any instructional 
works Students can not publish any works without the
express written official authorization of the W.I.T.K.D.A..
Failure to comply can result in criminal prosecution.

2. Training at other academies/ clubs
On a visiting basis, you may train at other W.I.T.K.D.A. facilities 
upon showing the instructor your validated W.I.T.K.D.A. certifications.

3. Rank Promotions (Testing)
All students are encouraged to test for the next belt rank (kub)
promotion upon approval of your master / instructor. Testing
is an important growth factor and a determining means to
judge advancement and individual progress. 

01. All students testing for Color Belt ( Kub) rank must fulfil the following: 

a. Current Membership status in W.I.T.K.D.A. 
(bring copies of your certifications) 
b. Complete testing application form 
c. Wear clean, complete uniform 
d. Bring mandatory sparring equipment 
e. Completion of all material for your rank 
f. All the appropriate testing fees 
g. Student is responsible for obtaining a partner for your test

02. All Kub Testing is comprised of:
Attitude Respect Demeanor Technique - power, speed, position , balance, coordination

During a Kub Testing, parents may not film to photograph their
child during the testing, though this is not allowed during black belt
testing All students testing for Black Belt must fulfil the following:

Current Membership status in W.I.T.K.D.A. 
All official paperwork is to be completed and sent to 
W.I.T.K.D.A. Int. Hdqts. 2 weeks prior to testing (copies of forms attached): 

Degree Dan Testing Application 
Letter of Recommendation 
Black Belt Personal History 
W.I.T.K.D.A. Student certifications 
4 recent passport-sized photos 
Photocopy of candidate's Driver's License / 
Country Passport / Social Security Card or Identification.
All Testing & Processing Fees are to be paid by Money Order 
sent to W.I.T.K.D.A. Int. Hdqts 2 weeks prior to testing

1. Annual Membership
Assessment must be paid within 1 month of testing.
Upon the successful completion of your examination, you will
be notified of your results, and will be awarded your degree.

7. Teaching
Without certifications to teach, one cannot be called Instructor

The rank of a 1st Dan Black Belt is a most honored, highly
respected position, but it is just the beginning of the study
of the complete true martial art of Tae-Kwon-Do. A Black Belt
symbolizes modesty, self-sacrifice, honesty, self-respect., integrity,
courage, responsibility, and indomitable spirit. It is not the belt
that is upon your waist that matters, it is the person that wears
the belt that makes the difference. Therefore, you must contribute
your selfless devotion to the continued prosperity of those around
you, your personal growth, and the growth of our association.
Any individual who has successfully met the requirements set
forth in the student manual and tested for, and received
their black belt through the W.I.T.K.D.A.

VI. Professional categories

4. State / Headquarters

A. Procedures
1. Yearly reporting of activities and special events, seminars / clinics, tournaments

2. Follow up to ensure that all students and Black Belts under your control
are current with their W.I.T.K.D.A. membership obligations. 

3. You are responsible for pertinent information regarding W.I.T.K.D.A.
to be distributed to your students in a timely manner.

4. Upon receipt of written authorization (State / Province Hdqt.
Certificate) from the W.I.T.K.D.A., signed by Grandmaster Klaus 
Schuhmacher, the authorized academy shall use the name of the association
in the following manner only: W.I.T.K.D.A. state / province Headquarters.

B. Licensing 1. The W.I.T.K.D.A. International Hdqts. will award the license of State/ Province Hdqts. to only one Academy location per State / Province.
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