About - World Independent Taekwondo Association™

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The following information has been compiled to answer many
of your questions about the W.I.T.K.D.A.,  and to help explain
affiliation procedures, and how membership in the association
can benefit individuals, instructors, and dojangs (schools).
If you have any further questions after reading the
affiliation information please feel free to contact our
International Headquarters for additional information.

What is the W.I.T.K.D.A. ?

The W.I.T.K.D.A. is an international organization to promote
Tae-Kwon-Do world-wide without any politics and /or problems.

The W.I.T.K.D.A. was founded by Bum-Sa-Nim
Klaus Schuhmacher ~ Do-Ju in 1998, as an international
brotherhood for all styles, schools, and Kwans of Tae-Kwon-Do.

One of the reasons why the 
World Independent Taekwondo Association™
was formed, is to show a positive example against the current negative
trends in the international Tae-Kwon-Do community such as bickering
mainly between I.T.F. and W.T.F. style schools, and organizations,
general mudslinging, and elitist ways of thinking. 

If you wish to pursue your individual 
Tae-Kwon-Do training
and self-betterment without falling prey to the kind of
rampant idiocy we speak of, then you're at the right place.

In the past, many fighters reached incredible levels of skill
without ever attending a formal school...today, no such student
is taken seriously unless he has studied a long time under
one korean instructor. In fact, in history many
great martial arts masters moved from instructor to instructor,
learned what they could use and then finding a new instructor.
In the structure of the Tae-Kwon-Do organizations and
schools today, such a thing is unheard of.

Tae-Kwon-Do doesn't care what Dan level you hold. That's not
what we're about. What we are about is the exchange of techniques,
informations, and ideas for the common good of Tae-Kwon-Do
practitioners everywhere. Feel free to share your observations,
and experiences. Ask questions. As  Tae-Kwon-Do practitioners,
we are supposed to be one international community. Let's act like one.

W.I.T.K.D.A. ™ consisting of Individuals, Instructors, and
Masters, dedicated to the education, and unification of those
who wish to learn, teach, and advance in rank in Tae-Kwon-Do

World Independent Taekwondo Association™ constitution,
and By-Laws explains in detail the W.I.T.K.D.A.'s policies, and
procedures for Registering Students, Testing Students, Submitting 
applications for Promotion, Rank Requirements, and much more. 
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